Articles: Our Foresight Insights
Leveraging Emerging Trends
Emerging trends are patterns or developments that are starting to become noticeable or significant but have not yet reached their full potential. Often, these are shifts in values, an approach that’s catching on, younger people approaching an industry differently, the emergence of a new type of technology, or emergence of implications of change. Emerging trends…
Bias: The Efficiency Trap
A bias is the tendency or a distortion that causes you to lean in a certain direction. Biases stem from our personal experiences, cultural background, or social influences. Simply, biases are another attempt in our world to be efficient.
Signals of Change: The Cornerstone of Foresight
A signal of change is an indicator of a shift that is occurring or emerging in a particular area. It can be a new technology, a medical advancement, a new patent, the way a society is adapting to become more resilient, a change in policy, a shift in an industry. Signals of change are one-off…